Tuesday , May 21 2024
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Does climate change make you anxious? – 6 Minute English

Fires, heatwaves, floods, hurricanes, droughts – the climate change emergency might be having an impact on our mental health. Rob and Sam discuss the topic and teach you related vocabulary along the way.

This week’s question
According to a survey by Greenpeace, what percentage of young people worldwide say they feel worried about climate change?
a) 74 percent
b) 84 percent
c) 94 percent
Listen to the programme to find out the answer.

doom and gloom
the feeling that a situation is very bad and without hope

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
a serious mental illness that can develop as a result of a very bad experience, including wars and natural disasters

climate anxiety
low-level distress caused by worrying about climate change

having a harmful or negative effect

per se
(Latin) in itself; of itself. Used when describing the qualities of something considered on its own, rather than in relation to another thing

urban greenspaces
areas in towns and cities which are reserved for parks, trees and wildlife

[Cover: Getty Images] You can download audio and text here:

More 6 Minute English episodes:
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Why are prices going up?

English for dating online

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Do emojis make language better?

People who can taste words

Finding your way in space

Britain’s love affair with coffee

#learnenglish #climatechange #anxiety


About Zohe

Environmentalist, Futurist, Lightworker, Wannabe naturalist. The way we are treating our world and environment is not going to end well! We need to change course NOW.

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