Tuesday , May 14 2024
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What will the fashion industry look like post Covid-19? It’s a huge question and…


What will the fashion industry look like post Covid-19? It’s a huge question and one that I’m really looking forward to delving into tonight, along with @ilovelowie @omi.na.na @miappareluk and @wowsancho
But perhaps the question should be ‘How can we use this time to shape what comes next?’ Because there’s little doubt that things MUST change if we want to meet the IPCC’s target of -45% CO2 by 2030. And the single best way to decarbonise our world is to cut down on over-production and over-consumption of material goods. Clothing being one. ESPECIALLY clothing of such dire quality that it’s almost criminal to attach a price-tag to it; not to mention the environmental and human rights abuses that undoubtedly occur in the course of production; and the greenhouses gasses emitted along the way.
Greater compassion and inclusivity would also be on my bucket list. Particularly having seen just how lacking in compassion #fastfashion has been to its suppliers and subcontractors these past weeks. With @bloomberg reporting £1.5bn worth of orders cancelled — in turn forcing over 1,089 factories in Bangladesh to close indefinitely. And with no financial or social security, garment workers have been left unable to meet their basic needs. Whilst mountains of summer stock go up in flames.

But from this smouldering wreckage we have the chance to build something better. Better, kinder and more considerate than what’s gone before. Which is why it’s so important that we come together now — during #fashionrevolutionweek — not only to ask brands directly #whomademyclothes but to REFLECT on what must change and to DEMAND policy makers STEP UP to the task. Creating legislation to ensure strict production standards are met across the board. Standards that put the wellbeing of people and planet above economic growth and excess profit.
Because even in this time of great uncertainty we can be sure of one thing: IF brands remain unsupervised WHILST attempting to recoup the financial losses from COVID19 once lockdown measures are relaxed, we can say goodbye to any hope of meeting the IPCC’s 2030 targets… or ending the climate emergency. The future really is in our hands right now. ????


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About Zohe

Environmentalist, Futurist, Lightworker, Wannabe naturalist. The way we are treating our world and environment is not going to end well! We need to change course NOW.

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